My neighbor had a sale last Saturday I was so excited, not only did I get to help her stage it and advertise I got first pick. So fun for me and she wouldn't let me pay for any of it.
I adored this white barrel. I have wanted one for awhile. I was so excited that it was white. I put an enamel pan in it for now. I am sure I will change it up before the week is up.
We went to the Portland Saturday market about an hour away. Oh my had so much fun. It was super hot that day. I spotted this hat and it was love at first site. Made out of all recyclable clothing. It has a flower that snaps and came with two other ones. I am giving this lady a plug as she had some really cute things. Her etsy is on vacation right now but you must check it out when she gets back to it. We wandered all the booths, had some good food and drinks, listened to music, wet our feet in the water park and walked all day. Hoping to get back there next month. Have a great night. Blessings Pam
New Upcycle Ideas 767 with furniture makeovers
3 hours ago