Last Friday night, while playing out front of a family members home,
Ryan was hit by a truck and went home to be with Jesus.
It all happened so fast and he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
A simple excitement to grab the frisbee that had escaped into the road
was met with a tragic loss.
Alyssa from is a good friend of the family and shared the story on her blog. I have wept tears this week and my mind has been on this little guy for sure. My heart is heavy for the family and pray for their comfort and peace through this tragic accident.
Jacqui (mom to Ryan) asked that a small slice of their story be shared so that they get support, They need us to rally,They needs us to pray,to share,to love,to remember…….. Ryan. Let his loss not be in vain.
I need your help friends. I know you may not know Jacqui, but she needs us now more than ever.Will you unite with me? Will you share her story? Will you offer her comfort?If you could take a moment, if you could take many moments…and not just pray for them,but join me in posting pictures of Ryan on your Facebook, your twitter, your Instagram feeds.Post them that the memory of him can live on.Post them to share in the love they had for their little boy. Alyssa promised her that Ryan would not be forgotten,we can make sure that doesn’t happen.We can use our voices for good.To tell a story,of a little boy who loved life and his family,
who laughed often,who loved to snuggle his mommy and daddy.And to tell the story of two parents who are loving each other strongly and beautifully through this tragedy, through this unexplainable loss.Rest in Peace, Ryan Cruz Saldana 5.2.2014
Again thanks to for sharing and allowing us to share as well. We may not of known him but know we feel the loss as well. God be with you all! Blessings