Monday, September 27, 2010

More on Vintage Bliss

So on the same day as Sage Patch we went on
to my store the Vintage Market as Katie called it.
I dont know why I didnt take pictures of that stop
but I have in the past. My normal gals were not there.
A new face and she was very nice just seemed different
without Brittany and her mom. Missed you ladies.
Pictures above were from Blackberry Junction. I love the
chandlier. A little to much money for me. But would love
to find a hanging one.

The walk down to The Vintage Roost is so pretty no
matter what the season is. This one was especially one
of my favorite time visiting them. I dont know if it was
the new red paint or music or company maybe all three

Penny wants a scale so bad, I thought of her
when I saw this.

I loved this idea about a shutter box.

I have admired these tall cabinets (out house) for sometime.
They have shelves in them. I of course would put them in
my scraproom with the door open with pretties in them.

Cant wait for Kate to announce her girls name.
It is very cute...
This was the only thing I came home with.
$10.00 what a great deal. Maybe a chalkboard project.
May ask Brittany to go to Home Depot with me as I
know you will read this.. he he

Ignore the dog and pillow on the floor. These chairs came as a pair.
I love the red colors. Love Love good finds. All for now.. Thanks for

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