Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Flaky Friend and A Thank You

This picture makes me laugh everytime I see it. Just had to

My treasures from Heidi and Bev her mom. The jars will go
in my someday scraproom with buttons and things. I thought
about putting it outside with flowers or something but just cant
seem to get myself too. It would be cute with hairbrushes and
rubberbands too.
New grass growing in the back yard. We have always had bark
dust which made it pointless to want to be out there. You cant
go barefoot or anything. It wasnt until Londyn came that we said
umn why not grass. Duh.. Now if we could get the quail and birds,
spuirrels, and anything else that is out there to leave it alone. This
table and chairs came from Heidi's mom. We had one and passed it
on to Dougs newphew. So this is nice to have now. I am in hopes of
fixing up the back yard a little. They had a garge sale on Saturday.
That is one reason I am calling myself a flaky friend as I didnt make
it to my scrap day which I really wanted to go and planned for a month
to go. Even bought stuff for it and then bailed. But truth is I had a great
day and spent the day with my sister Penny of course, and sister in law
Starla. I got 5hrs sleep and got up at the crack of dawn. Saw a hot air
balloon go over the house, enjoyed a nice lunch outside. Even made it over
to see my other sister who lives in the mountains and I dont see as often as
I would like. So there isnt enough time to do it all. Some day I will enjoy my
scrapping I know I will.
My little feeder I pd $1.oo for. So thank you Heidi and Beverly.
I also got Jordan a dresser from her sale as well. What a deal.
I am thankful for family and friends. Each day is a gift and I am very
blessed to reconize it. God is good to me! I have a friend who lost their
dog and I haven't been able to get them out of my mind. I know some
of you may not be pet people but those who are know that they really are
a part of you and become your family. So I hope you are doing better and
hope each day gets a little easier. Okay I am tired and off to bed. Enjoy
your week.

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks great!!! Glad to see you girls.. Enjoy your treasures... I can't wait till you girls have a garage sale... Let me know...


We do not remember days we remember moments!