Sunday, August 16, 2009

A few more to share

Umn you think she might be loved a little to much or spoiled
a little to much? We made it to Costco today to enlarge photos.
I dropped some off to my parents and it is so worth it to see
the enjoyment they get out of looking at her pictures. They
get so excited to pick out the ones they want. They chose two
5x7's and dad said I get a wallet. Anyways we had girl time
today. Have a great week. Still need to get a card reader for
my camera and then I can blog more often. Take care.

1 comment:

  1. OMG...What beautiful photos, especially of that beautiful little girl...I can't tell she's spoiled at all... :) Hope to see ya soon Pam, hope your mom and dad are doing better...BTW, I love your layouts...


We do not remember days we remember moments!