Saturday, October 29, 2011

You will be missed greatly!

 Margaret "Peg" Hoffman passed away Wed night the 26th. At the age of 77!  We will miss your weekly
visits at Izzy's, your friendship, your love! I am richer in my life for having the chance to know them and become family to theirs the last several years. A beautiful day and beautiful service.
God hath not promised skies always blue. Flower-strewn pathways all our lives though: God hath not promised sun without rain, joy without sorrow, peace without pain. But God hath promised strength for the day; rest for the labor,light for the way; Grace for the trials, help from above; unfailing sympathy,
undying love.
                              Peg use to love to read my blog. I think it has been awhile since she had. We were there Thursday and it touched me as she had a picture on her fridge that Londyn drew her two weeks ago at Izzy's. Several pictures we had given her the last several years. We had a great visit two weeks ago, she smiled and talked with Londyn and I sat with them as I always did and had a great visit. Asked how she was and the answer was always Fine!  Such Grace! Blessings Pam

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